Danielle Alvarez

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No Yeast Yogurt Flatbreads

Makes 6


180g (1 cup + 2-3 heaped Tbls) bakers flour, plain and AP also fine but you will probably need to add a bit more

220g plain yogurt (1 scant cup, full fat or non fat)

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. fine salt

+ oil or butter for frying them

Optional: 1 clove garlic minced and gently sizzled in some melted butter to brush onto finished breads. Also optional: copped parsley or chopped coriander


Mix dough ingredients together in a bowl using a spoon. then dump out onto a well dusted bench. Knead for two minutes and keep adding in enough flour until the dough is not so sticky that its too hard to work (it does want to stay a little sticky though!). Divide into 6 pieces and shape into balls. Oil them and allow them to rest lightly covered with a tea towel for 30 minutes. Dust your bench and press the dough balls into thin flatbreads (do not use a rolling pin). Brush off any excess flour. Set a large heavy skillet on the stove on med/high and add in some neutral oil for frying the flatbreads. Fry until golden on each side, approximately 1 minute per side. Brush with garlic butter or sprinkle with herbs or both and serve immediately. Alternatively, make them ahead and rewarm just before serving.