Cinnamon Rolls with cream cheese frosting


For dough:

240ml (1 cup) warm milk

550g (4 cups) plain flour

2 tsp. active dried yeast

2 room temp eggs

75g sugar

75g (1/3 cup) soft butter

1 tsp. salt

For cinnamon sugar:

90g (1/2 cup) soft butter

200g (1 cup brown sugar)

2 Tbls. cinnamon

For cream cheese frosting:

55g (1/4 cup + 2Tbls) soft butter

110g (approx 1/3 of a bar) cream cheese

100g (approx 3/4 cup) sifted icing sugar

pinch of salt

1/2 tsp. vanilla paste


Mix warm milk with active yeast and allow it to bloom so that you are sure it is active (1-5 minutes). Place in a mixing bowl and using a whisk or paddle attachment add the room temp eggs and sugar. Switch to a dough hook and add in the flour and salt. Mix 2.5 minutes until dough comes together and then add in the soft butter. Mix a further 5 minutes. Shape into a ball and place into a buttered bowl, cover and allow to double in size, approximately one hour.

Mix ingredients for cinnamon sugar using a spoon or in a mixing bowl with the paddle and set aside.

Roll dough into a rectangle and dot the top with cinnamon sugar extending out to the very edge. Roll it up along the long side like a jelly roll. Cut into 12 rounds. Place into a greased baking dish (something similar to 26cm x 36cm). Cover with a tea towel and allow to double in size on your bench top (approx 1 hour). Alternatively, cover the tray with clingfilm right after you cut and placed dough into the baking dish and refrigerate overnight to bake in the morning. If doing this you will still need to prove the rolls on your bench top in the morning (before baking) until they puff up and double in size. This may take up to an hour as they will need to warm up.

Brush the tops of the rolls with milk or cream just before baking.

Bake in a 175 degree celsius oven for 25-35 minutes until golden brown.

Whip together soft butter and cream cheese for frosting, then add icing sugar and vanilla and a pinch of salt and set aside.

Serve them straight from the oven with frosting spread on top.


Italian Dressing


Pasta with chickpeas, pancetta and cavolo nero